Target 21

21. Data, information and knowledge for decision making is available

Ensure that the best available data, information and knowledge, are accessible to decision makers, practitioners and the public to guide effective and equitable governance, integrated and participatory management of biodiversity, and to strengthen communication, awareness-raising, education, monitoring, research and knowledge management and, also in this context, traditional knowledge, innovations, practices and technologies of indigenous peoples and local communities should only be accessed with their free, prior and informed consent, in accordance with national legislation.

Ensure that the best available data, information and knowledge, are accessible to decision makers, practitioners and the public to guide effective and equitable governance, integrated and participatory management of biodiversity, and to strengthen communication, awareness-raising, education, monitoring, research and knowledge management and, also in this context, traditional knowledge, innovations, practices and technologies of indigenous peoples and local communities should only be accessed with their free, prior and informed consent, in accordance with national legislation.

Dans le cadre du suivi de la mise en œuvre  de la Convention sur la Diversité, j’ai le plaisir de vous informer que notre pays à travers le Secrétariat Exécutif du CNEDD a reçu l’appui technique et financier du Fonds pour l’Environnement Mondial  (FEM), pour mettre des actions rapides devant

Date de publication (du fichier / URL)
19 février 2024

Du 21 au 22 Septembre 2023 s’est tenu dans la salle de réunion de l’hôtel Mariane de Tahoua un atelier d'information et de consultation des parties prenantes sur les préparatifs de mise à jour de la Stratégie nationale et son Plan d’Action sur la Diversité. Il a pour objectifs de faciliter l