Target 8

08. The impacts of climate change are minimized and resiliency is increased

Minimize the impact of climate change and ocean acidification on biodiversity and increase its resilience through mitigation, adaptation, and disaster risk reduction actions, including through nature-based solution and/or ecosystem-based approaches, while minimizing negative and fostering positive impacts of climate action on biodiversity.

Minimize the impact of climate change and ocean acidification on biodiversity and increase its resilience through mitigation, adaptation, and disaster risk reduction actions, including through nature-based solution and/or ecosystem-based approaches, while minimizing negative and fostering positive impacts of climate action on biodiversity.

Dans le cadre du suivi de la mise en œuvre  de la Convention sur la Diversité, j’ai le plaisir de vous informer que notre pays à travers le Secrétariat Exécutif du CNEDD a reçu l’appui technique et financier du Fonds pour l’Environnement Mondial  (FEM), pour mettre des actions rapides devant